Sunday, 1 February 2009

Kampot / Kep survey - day two

Nothing to report so far. Heap and I are relaxing by the beach,
working on our Paul Ford Leadership Grip questionnaires. Strangely
enough I struggle with the language it uses to ask question. Very
evangelical, and I'm just not evangelical. I moved on from
evangelicalism a long time ago. While I used to lap up spiritual gift
assessments - because I wanted to know how God intended to make my
life great - I now wonder if spiritual gifts are a reality or just a
fancy Christian label for personal attributes. On the other hand, the
basic question being asked by the questionnaire - how has God equipped
me for leadership - is sound and helpful. More so than checking the
boxes next to strangely-worded questions. I think I will go through
the descriptions of leadership 'gifts' to identify my own strengths
and weaknesses. That will be a better way forward than being
frustrated by evangelicalese.

The premise I value for leadership is to look back at the way we have
used various life opportunities to lead others. What was done well,
what was done poorly, do i work as an individual or in a team? Do i
see the bigger picture, or work out the details?

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