together well for me. My listening is by far the strongest element,
followed by speaking. My greatest liability is the size of my
vocabulary. As I engage more and more with communities I'm recognising
more and more words I DON'T know and can then go away and look them up
- if I'm not too lazy.
My speaking is definitely more confident than just a short time ago,
and I find being in situations without translation assistance is very
helpful as I've only my own skills to rely on. Having said that, Heap
has been invaluable this trip, and in Mondulkiri and Kratie, when I
really got in deep.
I think losing the Smith's and Everitt's has pushed me as I realise
that after Heap, I am next most experienced in language on team
(closely followed by Sam and Hayden). And that's scary knowing how
little I know. But I see that a move out of Phnom Penh is going to
accelerate my language skills immensely.
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