hard luck should think again. The privatisation of the eviction
industry has taken the next step by offering a multi-layered
compensation package for the privileged few.
Those lucky enough to be evicted by 7NG will find themselves happily
housed in the privately owned 7NG village a mere 20 kilometers, or 40
minute, drive from central Phnom Penh.
This location is highly sought after by clientele hankering for a
simpler age, devoid of unnecessary mod-cons such as fresh running
water, electricity, sanitation, health care, education facilities and
work opportunities.
Did I say work opportunities? I speak amiss. For 7NG will kindly let
you rent a spacious market stall at the privately owned 7NG market.
And if you don't want to work there you can pay for the luxurious bus
service now in operation, and privately owned by, 7NG to Phnom Penh.
For those eager to know what promotional opportunities there are
within the 7NG philanthropic enterprise, a lucky few (hundred) may
well be chosen for the next community eviction as demolition experts,
recieving a generous daily stipend and all travel expenses paid.
If anyone thought that being evicted by 7NG was a dead-end they can be
sure that 7NG has their long-term future well taken care of.
That no community has ever asked to be evicted - nor even agree to
sell their land - be dislocated from family, friends, work, and school
should not matter. Nor even the mob-ish identity, or lack there of, of
7NG and company officers. Nor even that there is no street address to
send correspondence to, or protest in front of. We should not be
concerned that no reasonable attempt was made by the company or city
officials to sit down and listen to residents concern, nor accept
reasonable compensation demands. Any mediation and negotiations
efforts were top-down one-way affairs. And the rash of arrests,
intimidations, threats, court cases against residents. Not one case
brought by residents against 7NG has ever been heard.
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