Thursday, 15 January 2009


Today we left Sen Monorom. All of us are tired from the trip so far,
Sam is tired and Patrick has been vomiting since last night. And
others are on slow mode, too.
The good news is that we've met a lot of people and gained some extra
insight into the province. Particularly the lifestyle issues for
families. I don't know that we learned a whole lot of new information
pertaining to the Bunong, but seeing it first-hand is helpful. We now
know what we are looking at in terms of people places and the COLD.
Each family and team member have their own desires and needs. We've
yet to sit down and put all the information together. That will
probably happen in a week or so.
We met with WWF today who have us extra leads to follow up. In terms
of place, Kratie is a charming town, quite similar to Kampot. A very
wide river, lots of tourists - both foreign and khmer. The town creeps
up on the unwary traveller, disturbing the fairly monotonous rural
landscape of agriculture and deserted highways. The locals are
friendly, and happy to chat to a rare foreigner who speaks passable
Khmer. I missed some opportunities to talk informally at the market in
Sen Monorom, so am trying to rectify that error here. So far its been
worthwhile from a social point of view, and to get some local info.
Such as the river not flooding for several years now, since '96 and
that many people pass through Kratie on their way to Ratanakiri.

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