Saturday, 10 March 2007

International Women's Day

This Thursday past was International Women's Day. I am sorry to say that
I missed it. I would like to say that, with a new born baby in hand, I
have a good excuse. But it seems that inequality between the sexes
continues domestically and in the workplace, and perhaps it is no wonder
that I missed it, I am still ignoring the need to promote women to
equality with men.

For the past week, though, I have been reading articles about how women
continue to earn lower than average wages in comparison to their male
counterparts, that men continue to have nothing to do with housework and
that men and women prefer their bosses to be male. For a world that has
come a long way in the 20th Century, there are many social landmarks
waiting to be celebrated in the 21st Century. Let us hope that with our
best actions women will truly achieve equality and a fair go in society.
After all, if it wasn't for women we wouldn't be here, the dinner
wouldn't have been made on time, the nappies wouldn't have been washed,
the kids dropped off at school, there would be no-one to take time off
from work to look after sick family members, and most importantly, there
wouldn't be any sex.

So come on guys, lets get things right for a change!