Sunday, 25 March 2007

How effective is my life? Part 2

I checked out an article on personal goal setting at I have used their materials before, namely when I prepared a SWOT analysis for the staff at Shining Light. It's a good read and I plan to use it as a basis for setting goals and a life plan.

I haven't really ever thought of Life Goals. I am such an 'in the present moment' person that trying to set goals for my life is overwhelming. But I am caught in a trap. To enjoy each moment I really need to set goals.

The other part of goal setting which I am poor at is reviewing my goals and achievements. I am the guy who writes in his daytimer my plans and meetings, but never bothers to look at them to make sure I am on time. When life is cruzy it's not a big problem, but when it's busy I end up double- and triple- booking myself.

Ultimately, my current malaise had been determined by my inability and lack of desire to set goals for myself. I have let life happen, and nothing much has happened as a result - or they happen by accident.

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